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How to Create a Video Marketing Strategy

Published Lynne on Sunday, August 28, 2022 12:00 AM

How to Create a Video Marketing Strategy for the International Education Industry

Last week we spoke about the importance of having a video marketing campaign, and how to convince the decision makers to go along with it. If you’ve been given the go ahead to do so, in this article, we’re going to focus on how to create the perfect strategy. This is essential before starting your filming. Whether you’re a School, Agent or Service Provider in the International Education Industry, you must always have a strategy in place no matter what marketing campaign you’re choosing.

Here’s how you can create the best video marketing strategy -

Choose your Target Audience

We’ve said this several times, but this is essential in any marketing campaign. You can’t build up a whole strategy without first knowing who this campaign is aimed at. More importantly you need to find out where your target audience prefers to watch videos to know which platform to maximize ROI (return on investment) on.

Get to Planning

This part needs to involve all the invested parties in the campaign. It’s important that all your team aligns. Ask yourself, What are our goals? - Increase Brand Awareness? Launch a new product or service? Sell more courses? What is the action you want your audience to take after watching your video?

Timeline and Budget Setup

With any campaign a clear timeline should be set in order to ensure that all is done by the campaign launch day. Plan a detailed timeline for every part of the process, especially if many people with different skills need to be involved. Always allow some room for any delays that might come up. Breaking down the process will also help when you’re  calculating the budget for the campaign.

Choose your Video Type

When choosing what type of video you are going for, you also need to keep in mind the message you want to convey. While working out what type of video you want to go for, think about skills and resources needed for each type.

Metrics Based on Your Goals

Before you plunge in, decide which metrics will show you the results of your objectives, best. It’s easy to base the success of your campaign simply on the amount of views, however, that particular metric may not shed complete light on whether your goals have been reached. You may want to check out the sharing rates and comments, completion rates, how many viewers have clicked your call to action etc.

Like any marketing strategy, during this process and while gaining more knowledge, your perspective may change and so will your goals. Only move on to the video creation process once those goals are set and confirmed. Every decision during the next process should be made with those goals in mind in order for your video to reflect what you’d like your audience to do, once they’ve seen it.

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